
AS 5059-2006 (R2016)

AS 5059-2006 (R2016)

Power station cooling tower water systems - Management of legionnaires’ disease health risk

Standards Australia

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Sets out control strategies suitable for the management of legionnaires’ disease health risk from the cooling tower water systems of power stations connected to the national or regional grids used to supply electricity for public consumption.
Technical Committee ME-062 has reviewed the content of this publication and in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation, it has been determined that the publication is still valid and does not require change.
Certain documents referenced in the publication may have been amended since the original date of publication. Users are advised to ensure that they are using the latest versions of such documents as appropriate, unless advised otherwise in this Reconfirmation Notice.
Approved for reconfirmation in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation on 25 November 2016.
The following are represented on Technical Committee ME-062:
Air Conditioning & Mechanical Contractors Association
Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council
Australian Building Codes Board
Australian Industry Group
Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Climate Control Companies Association
Consumer Electronics Suppliers Association
Department of Health and Human Services (TAS)
Engineers Australia
Facility Management Association of Australia
Institute of Refrigeration Heating & Air Conditioning Engineers of New Zealand
The Thermal Insulation Contractors Association of Australia NSW
Victorian Building Authority


This Standard sets out control strategies suitable for the management of legionnaires’ disease health risk from the cooling tower water systems of power stations connected to the national or regional grids used to supply electricity for public consumption. It applies to the cooling tower water systems associated with -
(a) condensing systems of steam-driven turbines driving electricity generators; and
(b) main power station auxiliary plant, such as coal pulverizing mills and turbine plant heat exchangers, where -
(i) a chemical dosing regime is applied to maintain the cleanliness of those systems and is demonstrably effective in the control of concentrations of Legionella bacteria; and
(ii) shutdown for cleaning of those systems would require total or partial shutdown of electricity generation by the power station, which may not be practicable.
The approach to management of legionnaires’ disease health risk set out in this Standard is based on the principles and generic process set out in AS/NZS 4360. This approach involves setting the context, identifying risks, and then evaluating treating and monitoring risks, and ensuring that the information is communicated effectively.
This Standard is not applicable to associated power station site services such as air-conditioning systems of buildings, or other relatively smaller cooling tower water systems in power stations that can be taken out of service without affecting electricity generation. The AS/NZS 3666 series of Standards applies to microbial control in these systems.
NOTE: This Standard does not prohibit the operation of associated site services that use condenser water from a main power generation cooling tower.

General Product Information

Document Type Standard
Status Current
Publisher Standards Australia
ProductNote Reconfirmed 09/12/2016.
This standard has been reconfirmed in Australia in 2016 and remains current in New Zealand. Reconfirmation Notice 09/12/2016
Committee ME-062
  • AS 5059-2003

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