
AS 5100.7:2017

AS 5100.7:2017

Bridge design Bridge assessment

Standards Australia

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Sets out a rating process for existing bridges to specify their safe capacity for carrying repeated traffic loads for their defined remaining service life.


This Standard sets out requirements for the assessment of the geometry, condition, fatigue life, capacity and loading of existing road, rail, pedestrian or cyclist path bridges, culverts and associated structures. It is used to calculate the load rating factor of a bridge for a nominated rating vehicle.
The load and structural capacity requirements used in an assessment and load rating may differ from the original design load and structural capacity requirements because the bridge was not designed to this edition of the AS(AS/NZS) 5100 series. The nominated rating vehicles used for load rating may differ from the design load because of a change in use of the bridge.
Both ULS and SLS are considered in this Standard.
NOTE:For a simplified assessment and load rating using overstress factors, refer to NAASRA Highway Bridge Design Specification.

General Product Information

Document Type Standard
Status Current
Publisher Standards Australia
ProductNote Also numbered as AP-G51.7-17.
Committee BD-090
  • DR 100294
  • AS 5100.7-2004
  • AS 5100.7-2004

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