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BS PD ISO/TS 4667:2022 Coal. Determination of the thermal stability and thermal fragmentation standard by BSI Group , 02/14/2023
BS PD ISO/TS 21377:2023 Exchange formats for the audit data collection standard: XML and JSON standard by BSI Group , 02/13/2023
BS PD ISO/PAS 50010:2023 Energy management and energy savings. Guidance for net zero energy in operations using an ISO 50001 energy management system standard by BSI Group ,...
BS PD ISO/TS 11007-2:2023 Petroleum products and lubricants. Determination of rust-prevention characteristics of lubricating greases-Method with water wash-out standard by BSI Group...
BS PD ISO/IEC TS 5723:2022 Trustworthiness. Vocabulary standard by BSI Group , 02/08/2023
BS PD CLC/TS 50659:2022 Electromagnetic characteristics of linear cable management systems (CMS) standard by BSI Group , 02/07/2023
BS PD CEN/TS 18041:2024 Hydrometry. Sedimentation. Measurements required for effective sediment management and control at river structures standard by BSI Group , 05/13/2024 ...
BS PD ISO/TR 6277:2024 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. Data flow models for blockchain and DLT use cases standard by BSI Group , 03/05/2024
BS PD ISO/PAS 8926:2024 Road vehicles. Functional safety. Use of pre-existing software architectural elements standard by BSI Group , 02/06/2024
BS PD ISO/TS 16465:2024 Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of phthalates in vegetable oils standard by BSI Group , 02/06/2024
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