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BS PD IEC TS 63276:2024 Guidelines for the hosting capacity evaluation of distribution networks for distributed energy resources standard by BSI Group , 09/30/2024 ...
BS PD ISO/TS 5733:2024 Plastics. Test method of exposure to white LED lamps standard by BSI Group , 09/30/2024
BS PD ISO/TS 20517:2024 Space systems. Cybersecurity management requirements and recommendations standard by BSI Group , 07/16/2024
BS PD IEC TS 62600-103:2024 Marine energy. Wave, tidal and other water current converters-Guidelines for the early stage development of wave energy converters. Best practices and recommended procedures for the testing of pre-prototype devices
BS PD ISO/IEC TS 17012:2024 Conformity assessment. Guidelines for the use of remote auditing methods in auditing management systems standard by BSI Group , 07/16/2024 ...
BS PD IEC/TR 61643-03:2024 Low-voltage surge protective devices-SPD testing guide standard by BSI Group , 07/09/2024
BS PD ISO/TS 15926-4:2024 Industrial automation systems and integration. Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities-Core reference data standard by
BS PD ISO/TS 19425:2024 Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Measurement method for air cleaners. Sound power level of combustion air inlet noise and insertion loss using sound pressure standard by
BS PD IEC SRD 63426:2024 Reference standards portfolio (RSP) on interoperability and connectivity for active assisted living (AAL) in the connected home environment (CHE) standard by BSI...
BS PD CEN/TS 18044:2024 Ambient air. Determination of the concentration of levoglucosan. Chromatographic method standard by BSI Group , 07/04/2024
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