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BS PD ISO/TR 21808:2024 Best practices on the selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to provide protection for firefighters standard by BSI Group ,...
BS PD CLC IEC/TS 61851-3-6:2023 Electric vehicles conductive charging system-DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on double or reinforced insulation. Voltage converter unit communication standard by
BS PD ISO/TS 17886:2024 Fire safety engineering. Design of evacuation experiments standard by BSI Group , 01/15/2024
BS PD CEN/TS 17901:2023 Digital Information Interchange in the Insurance Industry. Electronic Premium Invoice. Mapping to Electronic Invoice EN 16931-1:2017 standard by BSI Group ,...
BS PD ISO/TS 6434:2024 Space systems. Design, testing and operation of a large constellation of spacecraft standard by BSI Group , 01/12/2024
BS 7255:2023 EXCOMM Expert Commentary for BS 7255:2023 Safe working on lifts – Code of practice standard by BSI Group , 01/10/2024
BS PD ISO/TS 22171:2023 Soil quality. Determination of potential cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cations buffered at pH 7, using a molar ammonium acetate solution standard by
BS PD ISO/TR 11954:2024 Fuel cell road vehicles. Performance measurement. Vehicles fuelled with compressed hydrogen standard by BSI Group , 01/09/2024
BS PD ISO/TS 4424:2023 Genomics informatics. Data elements and their metadata for describing the tumor mutation burden (TMB) information of clinical massive parallel DNA sequencing standard by
BS PD CLC IEC/TS 61851-3-2:2023 Electric vehicle conductive charging system-DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on double or reinforced insulation. Particular requirements for portable and mobile equipment standard by...
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