AS/NZS 60745.2.4:2003
AS/NZS 60745.2.4:2003
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Particular requirements for sanders and polishers
Standards Australia
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Particular requirements for sanders and polishers
Standards Australia
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows:
1.1 Addition:
This standard applies to sanders with the exception of all types of disc-type sanders, which
are covered by IEC 60745-2-3.
Tools covered by this standard include but are not limited to belt sanders, reciprocating sanders or polishers, orbital sanders or polishers, and random orbit sanders or polishers.
Document Type | Standard |
Status | Current |
Publisher | Standards Australia |
Committee | EL-002 |
Under Revision |
Supersedes |
Superseded By |