AS/NZS ISO 19107:2005 (R2016)
AS/NZS ISO 19107:2005 (R2016)
Geographic information - Spatial schema
Standards Australia
Geographic information - Spatial schema
Standards Australia
Adopts ISO 19107:2003 which specifies conceptual schemas for describing the spatial characteristics of geographic features, and a set of spatial operations consistent with these schemas.
Technical Committee IT-004 has reviewed the content of this publication and in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation, it has been determined that the publication is still valid and does not require change.
Certain documents referenced in the publication may have been amended since the original date of publication. Users are advised to ensure that they are using the latest versions of such documents as appropriate, unless advised otherwise in this Reconfirmation Notice.
Approved for reconfirmation in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation on 18 May 2015.
Approved for reconfirmation in New Zealand on behalf of the Standards Council of New Zealand on 4 November 2016.
The following are represented on Technical Committee IT-004:
ANZLIC - the Spatial Information Council
Australian Antarctic Division
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Hydrographic Office
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Communications (Australian Government)
Department of Defence (Australian Government)
Geoscience Australia
Master Builders Australia
New Zealand Geospatial Office
Science New Zealand
Spatial Industries Business Association
Document Type | Standard |
Status | Current |
Publisher | Standards Australia |
ProductNote | Reconfirmed 23/12/2016. This standard has been reconfirmed in Australia in 2016 and remains current in New Zealand. Reconfirmation Notice 23/12/2016 |
Committee | IT-004 |
Supersedes |