
IEC 63305 Ed. 1.0 b:2024

IEC 63305 Ed. 1.0 b:2024 Underwater acoustics – Calibration of acoustic wave vector receivers in the frequency range 5 Hz to 10 kHz

standard by International Electrotechnical Commission , 02/01/2024

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Full Description

Usually, acoustic wave vector receivers are designed and constructed based on one of two principles. One is the sound pressure difference (gradient) principle. When measuring with this sensor, the vector receiver is rigidly fixed on a mount and supported in water. The other is the co-vibrating (inertial) principle. When measuring with this sensor, the vector receiver is suspended on a mount and supported in water in a non-rigid manner, which allows the vector receiver co-vibrate in the same direction as the sound particle in the sound wave field.

Many methods have been used to calibrate vector receivers, such as free-field calibration, calibration in standing wave tube and calibration in a travelling wave tube. This document specifies methods and procedures for calibration of vector receivers in the frequency range 5 Hz to 10 kHz, which are applicable to vector receivers based on the two different principles. In addition, it describes an absolute method of inertial vector receiver calibration in air using optical interferometry.

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