
IEC 61757-7-3 Ed. 1.0 b:2024

IEC 61757-7-3 Ed. 1.0 b:2024 Fibre optic sensors – Part 7-3: Voltage measurement – Polarimetric method

standard by International Electrotechnical Commission , 04/01/2024

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Full Description

This part of IEC 61757 defines the terminology, structure, and performance characteristics of fibre optic voltage sensors using a polarimetric measurement method. The document specifies test methods and procedures for measuring key performance parameters of these sensors. It addresses only the voltage sensing element and not the additional devices that are unique to each application.

The document does not specify the required performance values of optical polarimetric fibre optic voltage sensors, because these specifications depend on the designated application of the sensor and are typically defined by the user of the sensor. The required performance values are usually defined when designing a sensor for a specific application.

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