
AS 5101.5-2008 (R2017)

AS 5101.5-2008 (R2017)

Methods for preparation and testing of stabilized materials Absorption, swell and capillary rise of compacted materials

Standards Australia

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Technical Committee CE-009 has reviewed the content of this publication and in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation, it has been determined that the publication is still valid and does not require change.
Certain documents referenced in the publication may have been amended since the original date of publication. Users are advised to ensure that they are using the latest versions of such documents as appropriate, unless advised otherwise in this Reconfirmation Notice.
Approved for reconfirmation in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation on 20 January 2017.
The following are represented on Technical Committee CE-009:
Association of Geotechnical Testing Authorities (Qld)
Australian Building Codes Board
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Australian Geomechanics Society
Australian Stabilisation Industry Association
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia – Aggregates
Engineering & Construction Laboratories Association
Engineers Australia
National Association of Testing Authorities Australia
The University of Melbourne
The University of Sydney
Victorian Construction Materials Laboratories Association


This Standard sets out the method for determining the water absorption, swell and capillary rise of water in compacted specimens of unbound, bound and self-cementing materials.
Specimens tested using this Standard are not used for determining the unconfined compressive strength of the material.

General Product Information

Document Type Standard
Status Current
Publisher Standards Australia
ProductNote Reconfirmed 17/03/2017.
This standard has been reconfirmed in Australia in 2017 and remains current in New Zealand. Reconfirmation Notice 17/03/2017
Committee CE-009
  • AS 1141.53-1996
  • DR 07313 CP

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