The use of computers as part of safety systems elicits additional requirements not specifically addressed in IEEE Std 603-1991. This standard serves to amplify criteria in IEEE Std 603-1991 for computers used as components of safety systems in nuclear power generating stations. Within the context of this standard, the term computer is a system that includes computer hardware, software, firmware, and interfaces. The criteria contained herein, in conjunction with criteria in IEEE Std 603-1991, establish minimum functional and design requirements for computers used as components of a safety system.
Revision Standard - Superseded.Additional computer specific requirements to supplement the criteria and requirements of IEEE Std 603-1991 are specified. Within the context of this standard, the term computer is a system that includes computer hardware, software, firmware, and interfaces. The criteria contained herein, in conjunction with criteria in IEEE Std 603-1991, establish minimum functional and design requirements for computers used as components of a safety system.
Product Details
Published: 02/03/1994 ISBN(s): 9780738107318 Number of Pages: 48File Size: 1 file , 180 KB Product Code(s): STDSU16782