To provide a standard method for modeling ASICs in VHDL. This method is aimed at providing efficient, accurate, and tool independent simulation suitable for large chip-level designs typical of those which are based on ASICs.
Current industry methods for designing complex chip-level designs rely on proprietary solutions which are based on specific commercial tools. This standard provides an effective means of performing those designs in a standard, non-proprietary manner that is independent of specific tools. This promotes cost effective design flows and promotes healthy levels of competition in the electronic design industry. This standard builds on the work of IEEE 1076 VHDL, which is a standard hardware description language designed to allow such tool independent electronic design.
New IEEE Standard - Superseded.Superseded by 1076.4-2000. The VITAL (VHDL Initiative Towards ASIC Libraries) ASIC Modeling Specification is defined. It creates a methodology that promotes the development of highly accurate, efficient simulation models for ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) components in VHDL.
Product Details
Published: 05/17/1996 ISBN(s): 1559376910, 9780738130637 Number of Pages: 96File Size: 1 file , 430 KB Product Code(s): STDSU94382