Full Description
Define recommended practices for WWW page engineering for Intranet and Extranet environments, based on HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 3.2 (potentially 4.0) specifications, migration to XML (Extensible Markup Language), and related industry guidelines.Purpose
This is intended to provide guidance to web page developers in Intranet (organizational internal), and Extranet (amongst a limited domain of organizational participants) web environments on recommended practices for web page engineering. issues to be considered include copyright, proprietary data declarations, indexing and content classification of pages, use of epoch transparent dates, context (author, responsible organization, currency,...), multinational sensitivities, browser tolerance, accommodation of persons with disabilities, and bandwith efficiencies. The objective is to improve the productivity of Intranet/Extranet web operations in terms of locating relevant information, and efficient development and maintenance practices.Abstract
New IEEE Standard - Superseded.Superseded by 2001-2002 This standard defines recommended practices for Web page engineering. It addresses the needs of Webmasters and managers to effectively develop and manage World Wide Web projects (internally via an intranet or in relation to specific communities via an extranet). This standard discusses life cycle planning: identifying the audience, the client environment, objectives, and metrics, and continues with recommendations on server considerations, and specific Web page content. IEEE Std 2001-1999 defines conformance for both Web pages and tools that generate Web pages. This document is intended to reduce site-management costs, reduce legal risks, facilitate user satisfaction, and increase the productivity of Web applications for both maintainers and users.