The scope is to specify the requirements for analog signals from electronic voltage and current transducers to be used as inputs to protective relays. Requirements to be specified include signal level, frequency bandwidth, and dynamic range. The standard recognizes that other substation electronic devices utilizing voltage and current waveform measurements may connect to the same transducers.
Electronic devices that develop or utilize analog signals are not presently covered by standards. This Standard provides interface connectivity of modern power-system signal transducers based on electronics, such as magneto-optic current transducers, and electronic relays. The existing standardized levels from familiar magnetic current and voltage transformers are not readily generated by new types of electronic signal transducers.
New IEEE Standard - Active.Electronic devices that develop or utilize analog signals are not presently covered by standards. This Standard provides interface connectivity of modern power-system signal transducers based on electronics, such as magneto-optic current transducers, and electronic relays. The existing standardized levels from familiar magnetic current and voltage transformers are not readily generated by new types of electronic signal transducers.