The primary focus of this guide is unjacketed, underground distribution cable installed direct buried or inconduit. The causes of corrosion in cable concentric neutral wires and straps and the methods available todetect this corrosion are described. The purpose of the concentric neutral and consequences of significantloss of the concentric neutral are discussed. Recommendations are made for the mitigation and control ofthe cable concentric neutral corrosion.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the detection, mitigation, and control of corrosionin medium-voltage cable concentric neutral wires and straps.
New IEEE Standard - Active.The primary focus of this guide is unjacketed, underground distribution cable installed direct buried or in conduit. The causes of corrosion in cable concentric neutral wire and strap and the methods available to detect this corrosion are described. The purpose of the concentric neutral and consequences of significant loss of the concentric neutral are discussed. Recommendations are made for the mitigation and control of the cable concentric neutral corrosion.