Full Description
This standard establishes ratings and requirements for planning, design, testing, installation, and operation of gas-insulated substations for alternating-current applications above 52 kV. Typical installations are assemblies of specialized devices such as circuit breakers, switches, bushings, buses, instrument transformers, cable terminations, instrumentation and controls, and the gas-insulating system. It does not include certain items that may be directly connected to gas-insulated substations, such as power transformers and protective relaying. This standard does not apply to gas-insulated transmission lines.Abstract
Revision Standard - Active.The technical requirements for the design, fabrication, testing, and installation of a gasinsulated substations are covered. The parameters to be supplied by the purchaser are set, and the technical requirements for the design, fabrication, testing, and installation details to be furnished by the manufacturer are established. An errata is available at the following web address http://standards.ieee.org/findstds/errata/C37.122-2010_errata.pdf