

SAE AMSQQA250/26B Aluminum 7075, Plate and Sheet, Alclad 7011

standard by SAE International, 06/18/2007

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This specification has been declared "CANCELLED" by the Aerospace Materials Divison, SAE , as of June 2007 and has been superseded by ASTM B 209, alloy 7075 alclad with 7011. The requirements of the latest issue of ASTM B 209 for alloy 7075 alclad with 7011 shall be fulfilled whenever reference is made to the cancelled AMS-QQ-A-250/26. By this action, this document will remain listed in the Numerical Section of the Index of Aerospace Material Specifications, noting that it has been superseded by ASTM B 209, alloy 7075 alclad with 7011.

This specification covers the specific requirements for aluminum alloy, 7011 alclad, 7075 plate and sheet; the general requirements are covered in AMS-QQ-A-250. The plate and sheet covered by this specification shall be an integral composite product consisting of a heat-treatable aluminum alloy 7075 core with thin layers of a 7011 aluminum alloy anodic to the core and of approximately equal thickness, bonded to both surfaces.

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